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United as Family

Ms. San San Oo, 44 years old and a resident in Hpa Yar Gyi, who owns a Grocery Store. She and her husband has been gifted with two (2) children a twenty- two and seventeen year-old respectively. The eldest is a graduate of Physics while the youngest is still studying in the university.

Though Ms.San was not able to go to a university, she strived (together with her husband), to provide the needs of their children. However, her husband works in a brick making business which is seasonal. As the family needs to generate income on a regular basis, they decided to establish a grocery store in 2010 thinking that it could sustain the education of their children.

Ms. San and her husband started their grocery store with an initial capital of MMK700,000. With the initial capital, they were able to rent a small space and buy a few grocery items to sell to their customers. Seeing the need for business expansion, they decided to join CARD Myanmar Co., Ltd.

“It was a perfect timing that when we decided to expand our business, I was invited to hear about what CARD Myanmar CO., LTD. offers. Upon hearing about the products and services, I told myself that this is the opportunity that I have been waiting for.”

Ms. San became a member of CARD Myanmar CO., LTD. In December 2016 where she was able to avail MMK100,000 loan amount. She is currently on her third cycle with the loan amount of MMK400,000.

“I can testify that since I became a member of CARD Myanmar CO., LTD. in December 2016, our businesses has prosper. The loans we availed from CARD Myanmar have been very helpful to our businesses expansion. Not only does the company the business helped us in our capital. It was helped us to have financial discipline. The regular savings it offer is very vital to us and help us to secure our finances for the future.”

At present, the family of Ms. San was able to increase their business capital to MMK45,000,000. With the continuing effort of the family, they were able to rent a much bigger space for their business at the same time, buy many items and stocks for their grocery.”

Our secret to success it the family team work. Every problems we experience, we face those as a family. We also have passion for people and work. Our family personally run the business, and see to it that we offer low prices so we can help other people.

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