Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is known to have a vast resources of jades and other stunning gemstones; thus, it is the norm in Myanmar that the locals has been accustomed to wear jewelries – from fancy ones to the most exquisite and expensive ones. With this tradition and custom, it is not surprising that the jewelry business in Myanmar is booming.
Ms. Aye Aye Mar, 58 years old and a resident in North Okkalapa, is one of the people who decided to venture in the jewelry shop business. Ms. Aye Aye Mar and her husband started the jewelry business since they started their own family in 1977. They got the inspiration from the parents of Aye Aye Mar’s husband - they do polishing of gemstones for a living. Seeing the rapid expansion of the gemstone business across the country, they believed that it would help to meet the needs of their future family.
Keeping the vision in mind, Ms. Aye Aye Mar and her husband used the money they inherited from their parents in the jewelry business. From the capital of MMK1,500,000, they have grown their operating capital to MMK10,000,000. The couple has expanded their business and also engaged in lottery and a grocery store.
The business of Ms. Aye Aye Mar has been running well, until she realized that they do not have much savings to invest further in their business expansion because of the expenses of their growing family, having four (4) children. After she was able to provide education to her children, she decided to expand her business. However, she does not have enough savings for business expansion. Thus, when she heard about the products and services being offered by CARD Myanmar CO., LTD., she did not had second thoughts and immediately showed interest.
Ms. Aye Aye Mar started being a member of CARD Myanmar CO., LTD. Since May 2016. Showing her trustworthiness and credit discipline, from the MMK130,000 loan availment, she was given the privilege to increase her loanable amount to MMK330,000; all of which she used in her business (and mostly in the jewelry shop).
“Joining the CARD Myanmar CO., LTD. is a great privilege because we were able to expand our business through the loans we availed. Through the loan we were also able to buy materials, equipment for polishing gems and even machines. Also, as our business expands, we were able to give opportunities to other people to help up with our growing business.”
Though Ms. Aye Aye Mar may seem to look problem free, she admits that having a business is never easy. According to her,
“Problems and challenges are inevitable. Sales are unstable or inconsistent but having a positive outlook helps our family to think and strategize better. Also, CARD Myanmar make us feel that we are all in this problem together – that we are a family, and that they are always in our side to support us in our undertakings. CARD Myanmar CO., LTD. is a great help to us, the services they give are very satisfying and I am encouraging others to join and be a part of CARD family. Joining the company enabled me to increase my savings through regular savings. I can save some money before through the rental income but it was not regularly done.”
With the success that Ms. Aye Aye Mar is experiencing, she still has the heart to help and encourage other businessman to continue their businesses. She advised, “For other businessman to succeed, they need to to keep the quality of their products, be persistent, more perseverance, don’t forget the power of prayer, the importance of friendship and always consider the needs of others.”